McConnell on Track to Become Longest-Serving Senate Party Leader

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is about to become the longest-serving Senate party leader in history.

McConnell kept his position after winning during the midterm election. Will he be able to contribute well enough to make America great again, or are his old ways already outdated?

McConnel Keeps His Position as Senate Minority

McConnell won re-election as Senate GOP leader. He won against his challenger, Sen. Rick Scott.

The Minority Leader won a vote that broke 37-10 and saw one senator abstain. 

Scott announced his candidacy for Republican leader in a caucus lunch. He pitched himself as a candidate to change how Senate Republicans operate.

“Although the results of today’s elections weren’t what we hoped for… this is far from the end of our fight to Make Washington Work,” Scott said in a statement. “My resolve to stand up for what Republicans across this nation stand for has never been stronger than it is today.”

Scott didn’t win the election, but Sen. Mike Braun, one of his most vocal backers… believed Scott’s candidacy may have changed how Republicans operate.

Braun said, “I told leader McConnell this had been the healthiest enterprise since I’ve been here in terms of caucus discussion. Rick brought it out to where we made it a discussion.” 

He added, “I think he’s going to probably make sure that 50 members, depending on where we’re at. All of us feel like we’re part of the process. And I think that’s healthy.”

McConnell to Become Longest-Serving Senate Party Leader

Now, McConnell is setting himself up to become the longest-serving party leader in the history of the Senate.

The minority leader made it clear that he has no intention of stepping down soon… after breaking the record of longest-serving party leader in the Senate. He said, “I’m not going anywhere.” 

McConnell also won praise from other Republican senators after… a vocal minority in his party harshly criticized some of his leadership decisions… and garnered 10 votes to oust him from his post.

“The reality is there’s overwhelming support for Mitch McConnell and his leadership,” Sen. Mitt Romney said after the vote. “He’s been highly successful in the last two years, not to mention the last decades. And I believe he’s in the best position to lead us into the future.”

“I think it validates the leader in a really big way,” Sen. Kevin Cramer said. “Who among us wouldn’t like to get, you know, 80% of the vote?”

“I think it’s strong,” Sen. Cynthia Lummis said of McConnell’s standing in the GOP conference.

The senators may think McConnell is great, but not so much the rest of America. Even President Trump wants him out

Trump nicknamed McConnell an “Old Crow.” Our president believes his ways are outdated, and he needs to be removed as GOP leader.

Most of our patriots also think it would be better for him to step down because his ways are too traditional…

However, everything that happened isn’t on McConnell himself. It’s on those Senators that voted him back in. 

This is one of the major reasons that term limits are so desperately needed. We keep getting old, out-of-touch people in these key positions when they don’t know what we need or want.

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  1. […] Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suffered a concussion after he fell in his home in […]

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